The electron-positron converter
Inside of ion getter pump
Wolfgang Anwand (left) visiting the construction site
Michael Freitag, Dr. Schlenk, Marco Jungmann and Maik Butterling (from left to right)
Marco Jungmann & Maik Butterling installing the ion getter pump
coarse adjustment of beam dump
Instruments for fine adjustments installed
Dr. Voigtländer doing the setting of the tools for beam line adjustments
Beam dump
Beam line adjustment
Final adjustment gave a beam deviation of the Be windows of only 0.17 in y-direction, and 0.10 mm in x-direction.
First leak test of recently installed parts: everything okay.
Maik and Marco looking for the success of vacuum testing
Extraction lens
The ELBE command center
ELBE entrance room
ELBE electron beam buncher
First 20 MeV accelerator
... second 20 MeV accelerator
Electron bam switch
Feedtrough to Cave 111b (neutron and positron beamline)
Nuclear physics control room
the future positron lab
Gamma detector at positron lab wall is part of interlock system
Beam line connected to converter chamber
The most difficult flange
New bolts are needed for this flange connection
Setup almost completed
Final connection to pre-vacuum still missing
Ion getter pump will be inside the radiation shielding
The first lead block of the radiation shield in position: "cornerstone ceremony"
Shield is growing