Marco at normal working speed is too fast for the camera.
The ELBE electron beam line is finally installed up to the POSSY converter. This happens in the mini-clean room.
Leak testing again - good results!
All curent sources for the steering coils are now installed.
Rear side of current sources for the steering coils. The pot at the top is a 1Ohm resistor to measure the current. We did stability measurements.
Marco and Andreas discussing the work for today.
The vacuum after 12h pumping is okay.
The lead castle is growing...
Lead outside of ELBE hall waiting to be processed.
Flange for the converter. Converter not yet there.
Pre-pump still not at its final position.
Half of the steering coil for sample chamber is already mounted.
Steering coils for extraction tube. Electrical feedthrough for the electrostatic lens is visible at the flange.
Same steering coils as bottom view.
The bow saw needs repair.
Motor of bow saw...
Motor shaft of bow saw.
Already some tons of lead in position...
Lead castle growing.
Pumping system running. Leter the pre-pump will be positioned in the lab with a vacuum tube through the tunnel.
Tunnel entrance and guidance coils.
Tunnel entrance at cave 111b.
Steering coils along the bended coil.
Current status - side view...
... and top view.
Holes for water pipes for converter cooling.
The hole in the roof of cave 111b for the beamline of the 150 TW laser.