The lead was partly removed to open the converter flange for the installation of the electron gun.
Coverter flange is opened showing the upper part of the positron extraction lens.
This lens in a closer view. The flange behind is for the vacuum system. In reality, it is directed straight downwards.
We filled these nylon bags by hematite. They will be used for radiation screening in the cable tunnel.
Andreas is doing the programming of the current sources for the steering coil pairs.
This labview programming seems to be rather funny....
The electron beam source was in its earlier life used for a students experiment (electron diffraction at a thin graphite foil).
Electron source in position...
Inside view of the converter chamber. Left side: cone of Al beam dump. Middle: electron source. Right: hole for the ELBE electron beam.
Almost the complete cave 111b is equipped with a gantry to mount a crane to the ceiling.
Therefore, the positron converter is protected against dust.