Installation of 22-Na source instead of electron-positron converter to adjust the beam guidance

2008-10-22_01 Conveter setup before 22-Na source is installed

Conveter setup before 22-Na source is installed

2008-10-22_02 Turbo pump is outside of radiation screening

Turbo pump is outside of radiation screening

2008-10-22_03 Pre-pump is heavy duty - but very loud

Pre-pump is heavy duty - but very loud

2008-10-22_04 Begin of cable tunnel in cave 111b

Begin of cable tunnel in cave 111b

2008-10-22_05 Electron beam line to positron converter

Electron beam line to positron converter

2008-10-22_06 Electron beam line in Cave 111b

Electron beam line in Cave 111b

2008-10-22_07 Beam line to positron converter

Beam line to positron converter

2008-10-22_08 The complete positron setup in cave 111b

The complete positron setup in cave 111b

2008-10-22_09 Ge detector for positron detection arrives

Ge detector for positron detection arrives

2008-10-22_10 Wolfgang installes the Doppler spectrometer for positron detection

Wolfgang installes the Doppler spectrometer for positron detection

2008-10-22_11 Ge detector in action

Ge detector in action

2008-10-22_12 A video camera shows the position of the source relative to the entrance window of the electrostatic lense

A video camera shows the position of the source relative to the entrance window of the electrostatic lense

2008-10-22_13 Before source installation

Before source installation

2008-10-22_14 Mrs. Naumann is head of radiation sefety of FZD

Mrs. Naumann is head of radiation sefety of FZD

2008-10-22_15 before installation of real source - test run with dummy source

before installation of real source - test run with dummy source

2008-10-22_16 RKR and Wolfgang testing the source transfer

RKR and Wolfgang testing the source transfer

2008-10-22_17 mounting to the source flange

mounting to the source flange

2008-10-22_18 Installation of moderator

Installation of moderator

2008-10-22_19 putting flange into position in the vacuum vessel

putting flange into position in the vacuum vessel

2008-10-22_20 closing flange - still with dummy source

closing flange - still with dummy source

2008-10-22_21 test of lead wall closing

test of lead wall closing

2008-10-22_22 dummy source on holder

dummy source on holder

2008-10-22_23 dummy source having the moderator mounted

dummy source having the moderator mounted

2008-10-22_24 The real source (10 mCi) arriving in 238-U container

The real source (10 mCi) arriving in 238-U container

2008-10-22_25 open source container, source still inside

open source container, source still inside

2008-10-22_26 source comes out...

source comes out...

2008-10-22_27 source is mounted to the flange

source is mounted to the flange

2008-10-22_28 source capsule is fixed by a small screw from the side

source capsule is fixed by a small screw from the side

2008-10-22_29 source at flange

source at flange

2008-10-22_30 moderator is fixed

moderator is fixed

2008-10-22_31 flange in position

flange in position

2008-10-22_32 when closing the flange, the position must be monitered on the video screen

when closing the flange, the position must be monitered on the video screen

2008-10-22_33 video system

video system

2008-10-22_34 closing the lead screening

closing the lead screening

2008-10-22_35 last bricks put in by Nicki

last bricks put in by Nicki

2008-10-22_36 screening almost complete

screening almost complete

2008-10-22_37 measurement of of dose rate outside the screening is okay

measurement of of dose rate outside the screening is okay

2008-10-22_38 done


2008-10-22_39 Ge detector waiting for 511 keV

Ge detector waiting for 511 keV

2008-10-22_40 restricted area

restricted area

2008-10-22_41 the heros ...

the heros ...


