March 2009: Final preparation for initial operation of the positron converter

IMG_2703 Converter chamber still without moderator and W-converter

Converter chamber still without moderator and W-converter

IMG_2704 Mini-cleanroom for mounting the last meter of the ELBE beamline

Mini-cleanroom for mounting the last meter of the ELBE beamline

IMG_2705 ELBE beamline to positron converter

ELBE beamline to positron converter

IMG_2706 complete positron setup in Cave 111b

complete positron setup in Cave 111b

IMG_2709 Video camera was there during last beam time of neutron target - not a good idea ...

Video camera was there during last beam time of neutron target - not a good idea ...

IMG_2713 ... it got about 5...10 Gy of radiation and the video picture became

... it got about 5...10 Gy of radiation and the video picture became "colorful"

IMG_2714 ... however with more light, the camera is still okay.

... however with more light, the camera is still okay.

IMG_2715 The Bremsstrahlung-setup at ELBE is used for GiPS (Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy)

The Bremsstrahlung-setup at ELBE is used for GiPS (Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy)

IMG_2717 The gamma beamline

The gamma beamline

IMG_2718 Gamma beamline (black tube)

Gamma beamline (black tube)


IMG_2721 The two vertical detectors (Ge; 100% efficiency) are used for Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy (CDBS)

The two vertical detectors (Ge; 100% efficiency) are used for Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy (CDBS)

IMG_2723 The gamma beam dump.

The gamma beam dump.

IMG_2724 Instruction for door operation

Instruction for door operation


IMG_2727 Nicki Hinsche and Marco Jungmann (left to right)

Nicki Hinsche and Marco Jungmann (left to right)

IMG_2730 Inside the positron converter chamber - top of extraction lense visible

Inside the positron converter chamber - top of extraction lense visible

IMG_2736 Pt moderator not really in place

Pt moderator not really in place

IMG_2748 electronic rack of GiPS

electronic rack of GiPS


IMG_2750 Control PC for GiPS

Control PC for GiPS

IMG_2752 In the meantime: Pt moderator at its final position

In the meantime: Pt moderator at its final position

IMG_2772 Now moderator (from the top) and W converter (from the side) are mounted

Now moderator (from the top) and W converter (from the side) are mounted

IMG_2773 Be window is mounted and vacuum test was okay - System ready for use

Be window is mounted and vacuum test was okay - System ready for use