MePS Beamtime in November 2010
Second Test of Bunching System

2010-11-11_01 Beamline of the ELBE gamma source (also used for GiPS). 2010-11-11_02 Fisrt superconducting accelerator stage (20 MeV) of ELBE. 2010-11-11_03 2nd buncher of ELBE (1300 MHz). 2010-11-11_04 First Buncher at ELBE (260 MHz). 2010-11-11_05 2010-11-11_06 Detail of 250 kV high voltage generator at ELBE. 2010-11-11_07 One half of 250 kV high voltage generator at ELBE. 2010-11-11_08 2010-11-11_09 Complete 250 kV generator of ELBE. 2010-11-11_10 Distance of lead from wall: 96.9 mm. 2010-11-11_11 View into Cave 111b. 2010-11-11_12 Entrance window of MePS. 2010-11-11_13 Drift path and pre-accelerator of MePS. 2010-11-11_14 Drift path and pre-accelerator of MePS. 2010-11-11_15 Drift path and pre-accelerator of MePS. 2010-11-11_16 View into open MePS beamline. Drift path and pre-accelerator is mounted. Green wire: steerer; Helmholtz coils are outside behind Al plates. 2010-11-11_17 Andreas Wagner preparing electronic components for beam time. 2010-11-11_18 2010-11-11_19 Timo Kirschke discussing with Andreas Wagner. 2010-11-11_20 2010-11-11_21 Timing electronics. Orange wires: fibre optical cables supplying the ELBE machine pulse for timing. 2010-11-11_22 Machine pulse is monitored. 2010-11-11_23 Marco Jungmann at 8 GHz network analyzer. 2010-11-11_24 Guest from Dresden: Bertram Somieski (former positron PhD). 2010-11-11_25 Andreas Wagner and Hartmut Büttig (Hardy) preparing the chopper pulse generation. 2010-11-11_26 Chopper pre-pulse is measured. 2010-11-11_27 Chopper pre-pulse (30V, 2ns) is monitored. 2010-11-11_28 2010-11-11_29 2010-11-11_30 Scheme of chopper electronic. Upper part: pre-pulse generation; lower part: chopper pulse main amplifier using a GHz electron tube. 2010-11-11_31 400 MHz amplifier for chopper pre-pulse generation.