EPOS Project |
Latest News, Talks, Papers, Photos, Events ...
2021 PSD-20 "Positron Studies of Defects" - online conference, Mumbai, India, Contributions: 1. "History of PSD meetings" R. Krause-Rehberg, LINK 2. "The role of trace elements on formation of quenched-in vacancies in Al-alloys" R. Krause-Rehberg, LINK 3. "Vacancy kinetics during magnetic phase transitions" M.O. Liedke, HZDR, LINK 4. "Vacancy-Hydrogen Dynamics in Niobium during Low-Temperature Baking" M. Butterling, HZDR, LINK 5. "Summary of PSD20", Akira Uedono, Uni Tsukuba, LINK |
2020 Corona Pandemic |
June 2019: Visit of Prof. Akira Uedono as Guest Professor at MLU Halle
May 2019: Visit of RKR in Tsukuba and Talk at AIST "The role of trace elements on formation of quenched-in vacancies in Al-alloys" Link
19.-24.8.2018: ICPA-18 in Orlando / Florida Website
23.3.2018: Talk at third Trombay Positron Meeting on “Positrons in Materials, Medicine and Industry (POSITRON-2018)". Mumbai: "Positron annihilation studies using the superconducting electron LINAC ELBE @ HZDR" Link
9.3.2018: Talk at PTB Braunschweig Material Science using Positron Annihilation: Link
Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Christian Eisenschmidt, Nadine Eißmann, and Bernd Kieback "Defect Study in CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy"; Phys. Status Solidi A 2018, 1800036
G.S. Lai, W.J. Lau, P.S. Goh, A.F. Ismail, Y.H. Tan, C.Y. Chong, R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Awad; "Tailor-made thin film nanocomposite membrane incorporated with graphene oxide using novel interfacial polymerization technique for enhanced water separation"; Chemical Engineering Journal 344 (2018) 524–534
Ehsan Ghobadi, Mohamed Elsayed,
Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Holger Steeb
Demonstrating the Influence of Physical Aging on the
Functional Properties of Shape-
Memory Polymers
We will organize PSD-17
in September this year:
27.-28.03.2017 The Meeting "Treffen deutscher Positronengruppen" was held at Uni Würzburg, organized by PD Dr. Torsten Staab.
Halle Contribution: Mohamed Elsayed und Reinhard Krause-Rehberg "Thermische Leerstellen in stark verdünnten Al-Legierungen", Link
Papers: "Biobased Polycarbonate as a Gas Separation Membrane and "Breathing Glass" for Energy Saving Applications" Oliver Hauenstein, Md. Mushfequr Rahman, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Seema Agarwal, Volker Abetz, and Andreas Greiner Adv. Mater. Technol. 2017, 1700026
"Insights into the pores of microwave-assisted metal–imidazolate frameworks showing enhanced gas sorption" Suvendu Sekhar Mondal, Subarna Dey, Ahmed G. Attallah, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Christoph Janiak, and Hans-Jürgen Holdt The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017; DOI: 10.1039/c7dt00350a
"Glassy dynamics of polymethylphenylsiloxane in one- and two-dimensional nanometric confinement - A comparison" J. Chem. Phys. 146, 203302 (2017) Wycliffe K. Kipnusu, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause–Rehberg, and Friedrich Kremer
"As-vacancy complex in Zn-diffused GaAs: Positron lifetime spectroscopy study " Scripta Materialia 131 (2017) 72–75 M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg
2016 Paper: ChemistrySelect 2016, 1, 4320 – 4325 "Missing Building Blocks Defects in a Porous Hydrogen–bonded Amide-Imidazolate Network Proven by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy" Suvendu Sekhar Mondal, Subarna Dey, Ahmed G. Attallah, Asamanjoy Bhunia, Alexandra Kelling, Uwe Schilde, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Christoph Janiak, and Hans-Jürgen Holdt
Paper: Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 6905 – 6913 "Study of the Discrepancies between Crystallographic Porosity and Guest Access into Cadmium–Imidazolate Frameworks and Tunable Luminescence Properties by Incorporation of Lanthanides" Suvendu Sekhar Mondal, Asamanjoy Bhunia, Ahmed G. Attallah, Philipp R. Matthes, Alexandra Kelling, Uwe Schilde, Klaus Mueller-Buschbaum, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Christoph Janiak, and Hans-Juergen Holdt
Paper: Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 31238 (2016) "ZnO Luminescence and scintillation studied via photoexcitation, X-ray excitation, and gamma-induced positron spectroscopy" J. Ji, A. M. Colosimo, W. Anwand, L. A. Boatner, A. Wagner, P. S. Stepanov, T. T. Trinh, M. O. Liedke, R. Krause-Rehberg, T. E. Cowan & F. A. Selim
16. June: ELBE SAC-Meeting R. Krause-Rehberg et al. "... about MePS" (Link)
SLOPOS-14 (Matsue, Japan)
Invited Talk: "Improvement of depth resolution of VEPAS by a sputtering technique" by R. Krause-Rehberg, M. John, R. Böttger, W. Anwand and A. Wagner
Inited Talk: "Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy at a Superconducting Electron Accelerator" by A. Wagner
Poster: R. Krause-Rehberg, E. Hirschmann, A. Müller, D. Espenhahn, M. Elsayed, A. G. Attallah, C. Bluhm: A 4-PMT and 12-Spectra Digital Positron Lifetime Spectrometer
RKR-Photos of SLOPOS-14 are here as ZIP-file (2.7 GB) Your download is too slow? I can send a DVD: Link. 26.1.2016: Lecture "Porosimetry by Means of Positron Annihilation" (Link) |
2015![]() Treffen deutscher Positronengruppen, 12. & 13. November 2015, Univ. der Bundeswehr, München ![]() Our contributions: - M. John, R. Krause-Rehberg "Improvement of Depth resolution of VEPAS Measurements by sputtering removal of the surface" (Link) - Eric Hirschmann, R. Krause-Rehberg "Digital PALS" (Link) Colloquium of 60. Birthday of Reinhard Krause-Rehberg Two colloquium talks: - A. Wagner "Materials Research w/ Positrons at the Radiation Source ELBE" (Link) - D. Enke "Poren und Positronen" (Link) - Songtext (in German): "Lied vom geschundenen Positron" (Link) & "F-Praktikumslied" (Link) Workshop: Methods of Porosimetry and Applications HZDR Dresden-Rossendorf 21.-23. October 2015 http://positron.physik.uni-halle.de/methods_of_porosity_HZDR_2015.html Photos as Zip File: Link Poster: S. Zieger, C. Bluhm, E. Hirschmann "R. Krause-Rehberg Porosimetry with Positrons" (Link) ICPA-17 (Wuhan, China, 21.-25.9.2015) - Website
Confinement for More Space: A Larger Free Volume and Enhanced Glassy Dynamics of 2‑Ethyl-1-hexanol in Nanopores J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6, 3708−3712 Tutorial Talk at ICDS-2015 in Helsinki (25.7.2015) R. Krause-Rehberg: Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy on Defects in Semiconductors http://positron.physik.uni-halle.de/pdf/2015_ICDS_RKR_Positrons.pdf Mirror Page of ICPA-17 Website: Link GaN-Workshop in Weigmannsdorf/Germany (1.-2.7.2015): invited Talk: "Study of defects in GaN by Positron Annihilation" (Link) PPC-11 proceedings: A Wagner, W Anwand, M Butterling, T E Cowan, F Fiedler, F Fritz, M Kempe, R Krause-Rehberg Positron-Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy using Electron Bremsstrahlung Journal of Physics: Conference Series 618 (2015) 012042 Lecture: Positron Annihilation as tool in materials science (Link) 2015 FCMN: 2015 Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics; Dresden/Germany April 2015; R. Krause-Rehberg: "Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Measurements for Porosimetry" (Link) Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung Oldenburg 25.-27.2.2015: Poster: R. Krause-Rehberg "Positron Annihilation – a powerful Method for open and closed Porosimetry", Link
2014 PPC-11 (Goa, India, - Website
PSD-14 (Kyoto / Japan, 14.-19. September 2014 (Website; Contact)
9.7.2014: Seminar Talk at Univ. Leipzig; R. Krause-Rehberg "Porosimetry by Means of Positron Annihilation"; PDF-File Lab-Photo taken on the occasion of Maik Butterling's PhD defense (3.7.2014) 14. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Univ. Halle 2014 - The Firework 24.4.2014: Talk "Porosimetry by Positronium Lifetime Spectroscopy"; Univ. Halle, Chemistry Department; PDF-File Contribution of Positron Annihilation to the DPG Meeting in Dresden (30.3.-4.4.2014) as ZIP-File |
SLOPOS-13 (Munich, 15.-20.9.2013, Link)
New Paper:
N. Yu. Arutyunov, M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, C.
Kessler, V.V. Emtsev, G.A. Oganesyan and V.V. Kozlovski
New Paper:
Witali Beichel, Yang Yu, Günter Dlubek, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Jürgen Pionteck,
Dirk Pfefferkorn, Safak Bulut, Dana Bejan, Christian Friedrich and Ingo Krossing
New paper:
M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Korff, S. Richter, and H. S. Leipner
February 2013: We started user operation at the MePS system at ELBE in the HZDR after 15 month of interruption (extension of ELBE hall). Here are photos of the first beam time (Link).
2012 Weihnachtsvorleung 2012 (Link)
Talk and Poster "Positron Annihilation – A Novel Tool for Porosimetry in the nm-Range for Closed and Open-Pore Systems"; Porotec Workshop "Transport in porösen Medien"; Bad Soden am Taunus 13.-14.11 2012; PDF File of Poster and Talk
Vortrag in der Ferienschule "Auf den Spuren der Elektronen": R. Krause-Rehberg "Informationsübertragung mit elektromagnetischen Wellen – von Morsezeichen bis zum Smartphone" - Link
Photos of ICPA-16 are online (Link)! Download of all photos in high resolution as ZIP-File (920 MB!!).
ICPA-16 Talk of Rainer W. Novotny (Uin. Giessen): "Fast inorganic scintillators - status and outlook" (Link)
Our contributions for ICPA-16 (Bristol, 20.-24.8.2012): Talk: M. Jungmann, R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, and T.E. Cowan First experiments with the MePS System (PDF of conference paper) Talk: R. Krause-Rehberg - Probing defects in silicon with positrons (Colloquium for Paul Coleman) Summary Talk of ICPA-16: P. Mascher, R. Krause-Rehberg (to be published after ICPA) Poster: C. Naidoo, N.P. van der Meulen, C. Vermeulen and R. Krause-Rehberg The Production of 22Na Positron Sources at iTHEMBA LABS Poster: J. Haeberle, A. Krille, M. Jungmann, K. Kosev, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg Investigation of the timing behavior of fast photomultiplier tubes with short laser pulses
Jens Kullmann, Dirk Enke, Stefan Thraenert, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Mario Beiner; Characterization of pore filling of mesoporous host systems by means of positronium annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS); Optica Applicata, Vol. XLII, No. 2, 2012; PDF
R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Thränert, M. Jungmann Nano-Scale Porosimetry by Means of Positron Annihilation Invited talk at Summer School IRTG 2012 "Advanced Interconnects"; Zeuthen/Germany; 23.7.2012
Markus Muchow; Master Thesis - Defense; 17.7.2012; Univ. Halle "Präsentation der Ergebnisse zur Defektstudie an Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Schichten"
We organized: Workshop on Porosimetry by Positron Annihilation; HZDR Dresden, 18. July 2012 (Homepage)
Talk of R. Krause-Rehberg at Trombay Meeting on Positrons in Materials, Medicine and Industry (Positron-2012), Mumbai India, March 12.-14., 2012
Talk of Prof. Akira Uedono in Halle (07-March-2012): Link
We organized: "Treffen deutscher Positronengruppen 2012" (Workshop at HZDR in Rossendorf, 22.2.-1.3.2012). Our contributions are here: Link |
Nov. 29th: M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, M. Butterling, B. Korff Identification of defect properties by positron annihilation in Te-doped GaAs after Cu in-diffusion Physical Review B 84, 195208 (2011), PDF
Nov. 17th: Bachelor-Themen für 2011/12 - Link
Nov. 9th: Photos shown during a small party in our workshop to celebrate the first successful use of MePS at HZDR (Link)
Nov. 2011: Maik Butterling et. al; "Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS) at a superconducting electron linear accelerator"; Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 269 (2011) 2623–2629 PDF
2011-10-14: Opening ceremony of the new lecture hall building at Weinberg Campus (Photos)
2011-10-14: R. Krause-Rehberg, Seminar Talk, Univ. Halle "Positron Annihilation in Materials Science"
2011-10-12: Yang Yu; successful PhD Defense, Univ. Halle "Free Volume and Phase Transitions of 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Based Ionic Liquids: Positron Lifetime"
2011-09-26: Successful beam time of MePS system
in HZDR in September 2011(Link)
September 2011: PPC10 contribution -Yang Yu "Investigation of Ionic Liquids by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy"
August 2011: Contributions to PSD-11 - Joerg Haeberle: "Preparation and Examination of 22Na2CO3 Sources for Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS)" - R. Krause-Rehberg et al.: Talk about source capsules (Link) - C. Naidoo (iThemba Labs, Cape Town): Production of 22-Na at iThemba Labs (Link)
20.7.2011: Talk of Yang Yu at University Freiburg "Investigation of Ionic Liquids by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy" (Link)
Group photo for the leave-taking of Mohamed: 23. June 2011 (Link)
2011-06-20: MePS beamtime: test of chopper (Link)
2011-06-02: Beam time in begin of June 2011(Link)
Mohamed Elsayed: "The appearance of vacancies during Cu and Zn diffusion in III-V compound semiconductors" PhD defense in March 2011
R. Krause-Rehberg "Positron Annihilation in Metal Physics" 2. March 2011, Institutskolloquium am Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Institut fuer Angewandte Materialforschung
R. Krause-Rehberg "Material Science by means of Positron Annihilation" 8. February 2011, Talk at iThemba Labs, Cape Town, South Africa Proceedings of PSD-08 (Prague) are online (Link) Kicker Meeting FZD 12.1.2011- Talk of RKR (Link) 2010
K. Kosev, M. Butterling, W. Anwand, T. Cowan, A. Hartmann, K. Heidel, M. Jungmann, R. Krause-Rehberg, R. Massarczyk, K.D. Schilling, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner "Evaluation of a microchannel-plate PMT as a potential timing detector suitable for positron lifetime measurements" Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A624 (2010) 641–645
2010-11-11: MePS Beamtime: 2nd test of
chopper (Link)
R. Krause-Rehberg "Experimental facilities: MePS at ELBE" 19. October 2010: Talk at the Workshop on Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy; FZD Rossendorf
R. Krause-Rehberg "Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Testing" 14. October 2010: Talk at SKF Engineering & Research Centre, Department of Lubrication & Metallic Materials, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Conference "Polymer 2010" in Halle/Germany (September 2010) Talk of Yang Yu: "Phase Transitions in Polymers Containing Long Self-Assembled CH2 and CF2 Sequences in Their Side Chain: A Positron Lifetime Study" YANG YU, G. DLUBEK, R. KRAUSE-REHBERG, D. POSPIECH, D. JEHNICHEN, L. HÄUßLER, J. PIONTECK, M. Beiner, E. Hempel
SLOPOS-12: Magnetic Island, Australia, 2.-6. August 2010 (Link to Conference Site) - Group Photo - Our contributions: Talk "Use of Superconducting LINACS for Positron Generation" and Poster of Arnold
PSPA-10: 39. Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation); Kazimierz Dolny, 20-25 June 2010 - Talk of RKR and also Photos of PSPA10
- S. Thränert, D. Enke, R. Krause-Rehberg "Characterisation of mesopores - Positronium lifetime measurement as a porosimetry technique" IMPRS Ring Lecture Summer term 2010 “Nano Science” , 20. May 2010
- M. Elsayed; Seminar Talk at Univ. Halle, 24.3.2010 Identification of Defects in GaAs:Te after Cu in-diffusion by Positron annihilation
- R. Krause-Rehberg; Plenary Talk at the Workshop "APOSB2010 International Workshop on Advanced Positron Beam Technology for Material Science, Algiers, 15.-18.3.2010" See here the photos of the workshop: Link.
- 2010-March-02: Further
built-up of MePS system and test of time structure - R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Dollinger, W. Egger, C. Hugenschmidt, A. Wagner, T. Cowan Plenary Talk at the Conference SNI 2010, Berlin 24.-26.2.2010 "Positron Annihilation in Materials Research" - Lecture: "Characterisation of mesopores - Positronium lifetime measurement as a porosimetry technique" - 2010-01-29:
GiPS Beamtime - neutron activated Fe-Cr samples were measured - Jan. 2010: Reconstruction of slow-positron beam in Halle (Link) ![]() ![]() 2009
R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Thränert Talk at the "Innovationsforum Nanoporöse Gläser", Leipzig 26.-27.11.2009 "Die Positronenannihilation - eine Methode zur Porosimetrie im Nanometer-Maßstab"
- 2009-October-29: Further beam time for testing the time
structure at MePS and for
GiPS development
- 2009-September-15:
First positrons
at MePS (Mono-energetic Positron Spectroscopy) @ EPOS!
- The EPOS Team and R. Krause-Rehberg The intense, pulsed positron source EPOS at the Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf Contribution to the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi: Physics with many Positrons (July 2009)
- R. Krause-Rehberg, A. Krille, K. M. Kosev Photos of
this conference and
Group Photo - R. Krause-Rehberg - R. Krause-Rehberg Talk at the FSI-Workshop, Jena 6.-8.4.2009 "News of the EPOS Project at the ELBE Radiation Source in the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf"
-2009-March-4: Final preparations for initial operation of
positron converter at EPOS (link)
- Arnold Krille Seminar Talk at Univ. Halle, 18.2.2009 Testing and Evaluation of Scintillators - EPOS project in February 2009: Beam adjustment by electrons ICPA-15 (Kolkata, India) Contributions, Photos, etc. R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, G. Brauer, M. Jungmann, A. Krille, M. Butterling, R. Schwengner, T. Cowan, A. Wagner Plenary Lecture at "15th International Conference on Positron Annihilation - ICPA-15", Kolkata, India,, 18.-23.1.2009 Progress of the EPOS Project: Gamma-Induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS)
M. Butterling , M. Jungmann , A. Krille , M. Werner , E. Altstadt , W. Anwand , R. Krause-Rehberg Simulation studies for the positron source EPOS Poster at ICPA-15, Kolkata, India, Jan. 2009
R. Krause-Rehberg Lecture at "International School on Positron Studies", Kolkata, India,, 14.-16. January 2009 Fundamentals of positron annihilation spectroscopy and its application in semiconductors |
Juni - December 2008
April / May 2008
Jan / March 2008
Oct / Dez 2007
Summer 2007
Spring 2007
2009-Dec-07: Weihnachtsvorlesung "Fotografische Fehler – oder wie fotografiere ich den Weihnachtsmann?"; Link
R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Thränert Talk at the "Innovationsforum Nanoporöse Gläser", Leipzig 26.-27.11.2009 "Die Positronenannihilation - eine Methode zur Porosimetrie im Nanometer-Maßstab"
- 2009-October-29: Further beam time for testing the time
structure at MePS and for
GiPS development
- 2009-September-15:
First positrons
at MePS (Mono-energetic Positron Spectroscopy) @ EPOS!
- The EPOS Team and R. Krause-Rehberg The intense, pulsed positron source EPOS at the Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf Contribution to the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi: Physics with many Positrons (July 2009)
- R. Krause-Rehberg, A. Krille, K. M. Kosev Photos of
this conference and
Group Photo - R. Krause-Rehberg - R. Krause-Rehberg Talk at the FSI-Workshop, Jena 6.-8.4.2009 "News of the EPOS Project at the ELBE Radiation Source in the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf"
-2009-March-4: Final preparations for initial operation of
positron converter at EPOS (link)
- Arnold Krille Seminar Talk at Univ. Halle, 18.2.2009 Testing and Evaluation of Scintillators - EPOS project in February 2009: Beam adjustment by electrons ICPA-15 (Kolkata, India) Contributions, Photos, etc. R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, G. Brauer, M. Jungmann, A. Krille, M. Butterling, R. Schwengner, T. Cowan, A. Wagner Plenary Lecture at "15th International Conference on Positron Annihilation - ICPA-15", Kolkata, India,, 18.-23.1.2009 Progress of the EPOS Project: Gamma-Induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS)
M. Butterling , M. Jungmann , A. Krille , M. Werner , E. Altstadt , W. Anwand , R. Krause-Rehberg Simulation studies for the positron source EPOS Poster at ICPA-15, Kolkata, India, Jan. 2009
R. Krause-Rehberg Lecture at "International School on Positron Studies", Kolkata, India,, 14.-16. January 2009 Fundamentals of positron annihilation spectroscopy and its application in semiconductors |
Juni - December 2008
April / May 2008
Jan / March 2008
Oct / Dez 2007
Summer 2007
Photos of SLOPOS-11 R. Krause-Rehberg: Summary Talk of SLOPOS-11; Workshop in Orléans, 9.-13.7.2007; "Construction and Timing System of the EPOS Beam System", M.Jungmann , R. Krause-Rehberg , A. Mueller, Poster shown at SLOPOS-11, Orleans, 9.-13.7.2007 Arnold Krille, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Marco Jungmann, Frantisek Becvar, Gerhard Brauer; Talk given at SLOPOS-11, Workshop in Orléans, 9.-13.7.2007: Digital positron lifetime spectroscopy at EPOS R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, M. Jungmann1, A. Krille, A. Rogov and K. Noack; Invited Talk given at SLOPOS-11, Workshop in Orléans, Progress of the Intense Positron Beam Project EPOS |
Spring 2007
- Here are some Photos of the new Lab during relocation (Nov 2006).
- Photos of new Lab rooms at IZM (Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften) (Sept. & October 2006)
- RKR photo page
Contact Information / Legal Info
Die Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg ist eine Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts. Sie wird durch den Rektor vertreten: rektor@uni-halle.de
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Universitätsplatz 10
06108 Halle / Germany
Tel. 0049-345-5520
VAT Number DE811353703
Head of Positron Laboratory: Prof. Reinhard Krause-Rehberg ( Email / personal Home Page)
Universität Halle
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II
Institut für Physik
Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle / GERMANY
Phone & Fax
RKR Office: +49-345-55-25560 or 61
RKR mobile: +49-176-43474358
Students Lab: +49-345-55-28502
Email: reinhard.krause-rehberg@physik.uni-halle.de
Phone numbers in the labs:
Lifetime Lab at TGZIII: +49-345-55-28501
Beam Lab at TGZIII: +49-345-55-28500
Office at TGZIII: +49-345-55-28502
EPOS Lab at HZDR: +49-351-260-2692
EPOS Cave 111b: +49-351-260-3172
EPOS office: +49-351-260- 2117 / 2671
last update: 09-Mrz-21